Hi, I’m Iain and I am a Briton who makes videogames by day to finance my photography habit at night. I currently live in the UK but previously I’ve lived in Paris, Madrid, Kyiv, Dublin, Slovakia, Thailand, and the Black Forest ever since leaving Dear Old Blighty in the early 2000s.

I have been shooting digitally since 2012 and have been exploring the wonderful world of film photography since 2015. As well as shooting with film cameras, I collect them. You can see the current extent of my collection and read about the different cameras over on my gear page.

I write about photography, cameras and whatever else is tangentially on topic over on the blog.

I’m also in these other spaces:

Instagram – recent work across all genres.

Bluesky – one landscape photo a day. Mostly film, some digital.

PurplePort – modelling work

You can contact me via the form below if you have any questions, queries or want to collaborate with me in some way. I’m always open to suggestions. Telling me to take better pictures won’t work however 🙁

Contact Form